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Collection Development Policy

Collection Maintenance

Location of materials: Information resources paid for with library funds or given to the library as gifts become part of the library collection.  Librarians will determine the location of information resources that are part of the library collection.  All distribution of electronic information will comply with licensing agreements.

De-selection: De-selection of library materials is essential for the maintenance of an active, academically useful library collection.  De-selection is quality control of the collection in which outdated, inaccurate and worn-out materials are eliminated.  Librarians are responsible for conducting an ongoing de-selection effort in their areas of collection responsibility and for maintaining the quality of the entire collection.. De-selection requires the exercise of judgment in the same way that the original selection process does.

General Guidelines

  • Superseded editions are routinely deselected from the collection.
  • Duplicates are deselected within five years of publication date except in cases of continued high demand or where the library holds rare copies.
  • Materials that cannot be repaired or rebound or for which the cost of preservation exceeds the usefulness of the information contained are deselected.
  • The currency of the information is extremely important in some fields such as health sciences, technology, and business.  Older materials must be regularly deselected so that outdated or inaccurate information is eliminated.
  • Material that has not been used based on circulation and browsing statistics may be deselected after 5 to IO years of inactivity.  The long-term usefulness of the work will determine whether lack of use is a valid criterion for de-selection.  This process will call for a complete inventory of the collection.

Other Considerations

  • Is the book listed in a standard list or bibliography such as Books for College Libraries?
  • Does the library have better materials on the topic?
  • What is the reputation/authority of the author?
  • Does the material continue to meet the needs of library users?

Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration

Library materials are expensive to purchase, process, and house.  VSU Library acknowledges the necessity of preserving all holdings traditional and non-traditional and supports the American Library Association's Preservation Policy.

The Acquisitions Librarian will consult with the other librarians, the archivist, and other personnel to determine what action should be taken with damaged books or other materials.  The Acquisitions Librarian will help to determine an emergency plan and oversee the initiation of action should an emergency arise.

General Principles

  • Care and handling of library materials will be stressed to library employees and users.
  • Temperature and humidity controls will be sought for library materials.
  • Book repair will be provided for materials damaged through rough use, heavy use, or accident.
  • Binding will be used to preserve materials as needed.


Annuals, Biennials, etc. Paper-bound publications which are heavily used are bound. Generally, these are reference books such as college guidebooks or sources like Statistical Abstracts.

New Books. Newly acquired paper-bound books are NOT routinely bound. Exceptions may be made when heavy usage is anticipated.

Replacement of Lost, Damaged, Missing, and Worn Library Materials

Monographs. The Librarians are responsible for making decisions regarding the replacement of lost, damaged, missing, or worn library materials.  The librarian will determine whether to replace a specific book or purchase a comparable book guided by the following considerations:

  • Does the material being replaced meet the general library collection policy?
  • Does the frequency of use justify replacement?
  • Is the item used for class reserve reading or is it on a faculty-recommended reading list?
  • Is the item listed in Resources for College Libraries or other recommended book lists?