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Family Study Room

The Family Study Space has been created for students who want to have their children with them while they study.

The Library’s Family Study Room is located on the 2nd floor, room 224, of Johnston Memorial Library. The Family Study Room is designed to accommodate four people. Users may reserve the room for up to two hours per day. We ask that users be courteous to fellow students by vacating the room at the appointed time and by leaving the room in the same condition in which it was found.

To reserve and access the Family Study Room:

  1. Go to the Library’s homepage,, and click on Reserve a Room, then Private Study Room. When the grid appears, change the room type to Group Study Rooms.

  2. Select the room number (224 Family Study Room), the date, and the block of time from the schedule grid. Please fill out the required information and submit it.

  3. You will be sent a confirmation email.
  4. Come to the Information Services Desk in Johnston Memorial Library with your valid VSU ID to pick up the key at the reserved time.
  5. When your reserved time is over, you must return the key to the Information Services Desk. Do not give the key to the person with the next reservation.