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The Fountain

The Fountain: A Guide to the new library system

The Fountain Book Search

Searching for physical books in The Fountain is pretty similar to searching for anything else. At the start page, you can choose to search only books.

The Library catalog doesn’t search only books. We have things in Special Collections: microfilm, DVDs, etc. It searches everything in our collection. The Everything Search does a search on everything in our collection, plus articles and book chapters that are created from the Central Discovery Index (CDI).

The best way to quickly find books is to do an Everything Search and then use the Material Type facet to limit to Books.

In the following example, I searched "HBCU" with the scope "Library Catalog."

You can also focus on broad "Everything" searches using the facets on the left side of the search interface. 

In the following, I searched "Virginia Colleges and Universities" with the broadest possible scope. Then I went over to Material Type (marked here with an orange box) and selected just "Books" to reduce what I was looking at.

  • Open Access books -- Go to "Availability" (blue box above) and select "Open Access." These resources will be in the general collection, reference collection, special collection, and government documents, among other digital locations. 
  • E-Books -- Similarly, choose "Available Online" to see if we have an eBook that you want. 

The system will let you know what filters you used under the "Active Filters" section, marked here with a green box. You can remove filters simply by clicking the X symbol or hitting "reset."