ChemIDplus Advanced. A chemical dictionary file for over 344,000 compounds of biomedical and regulatory interest.
ChemistryCentral. Contains peer-reviewed open access chemistry journals, including chemistry-related BMC journals, independent journals, and the Chemistry Central Journal. Site also offers research highlights, latest articles, and links to other open access chemistry resources.
Common Sense Chemistry from CAS is a web resource that contains CAS Registry Numbers for approximately 7,900 chemicals of widespread general public interest.
Periodic Table of Videos. Modern version of the Periodic Table with a short video for each element.
PubChem Project. Free service launched by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Consists of three databases (PubChem Compound, PubChem Substance, and PubChem Bio-Assay).
ToxCast. Captures thousands of in vivo animal toxicity studies on hundreds of chemicals. The database stores detailed study design, dosing, and observed treatment-related effects using standardized vocabulary. Provides detailed chemical toxicity data, for the first time, in a publically accessible and searchable format.
U. S. Patents. Fully searchable bibliographic file containing all of the approximately 1.7 million U.S. patents issued since 1975.
WebElements. Periodical table with graphics showing elements, structures, and periodic properties.